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How to Create a Scorecard on Voyc
How to Create a Scorecard on Voyc

A walkthrough the process of creating a Generation 3 Scorecard on the Voyc system.

Sihle Maseko avatar
Written by Sihle Maseko
Updated over 2 months ago

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A Scorecard on Voyc is a digitalised version of the guide document that is used by agents in contact centres. This document is re-created on Voyc as a configuration for the system to score conversations. Voyc makes it easy to digitalise the Scorecard to mirror the agent document so that conversations are scored accurately. This article will show you how to create a Scorecard on Voyc.

When you create a channel on Voyc, part of the configuration process includes generating a Scorecard. This is the most important step in the setup process because it serves as the foundation for all scoring and reports. If you've already created a channel on the system, go to Manage Channel in the left-hand navigation menu and select Scorecard to get started.

1. Create a Scorecard

When you go to Scorecard you will notice that a default Scorecard has already been activated in the channel. This is a generic Scorecard. Therefore it may not be an accurate representation of your agent document.

📍Take Note: When you don’t create your own Scorecard in a channel, Voyc will assess calls against the default Scorecard. The scores generated by this default Scorecard are unlikely to be as accurate as those generated by a Scorecard created to match your agents' guide document.

Now let’s get started with the process of creating a Scorecard.

  1. To get started, click on New Scorecard in the top right-hand corner of the page.

  2. A page prompting you to enter the Scorecard details will appear. Name your Scorecard. For example, “Test Generation 3”.

  3. You'll be given a choice between “Generation 2” and “Generation 3”. Select Generation 3 as this is the latest version of the Scorecard feature.

  4. You can add a description for your team if you wish.

  5. Once you've filled in all the details, click “Create”.

2. Navigating the Scorecard Canvas

Now that we've set up the Generation 3 Scorecard, let's start working on the Canvas. Click on the Scorecard to open it, and the first thing you'll see is a 'start' button on the Canvas. In the top left corner, you'll find very important information on the canvas - the controls. Let's take a look at what happens when you click each of these.

Knowing how to navigate the Scorecard canvas will help you quickly find buttons when you need them.

3. Creating Groups

A group is used to visually categorise Scorecard information. So, all the sections in a Scorecard document are represented by groups on Voyc. For example, let's say we have a Scorecard document with the following sections:

  • Introduction

  • Policy Plans

  • Call Closure

In the digitalised version of the document on Voyc, each section will be represented by a group. A group is a blue box on the canvas. When creating a group, you must assign attributes that the system will use to identify it. You must therefore give it a name (document section), assign how many points it will contribute towards the overall points of the scorecard, and finally add nodes to it (phrases within a section). To create a group, apply the following steps:

  1. Click the plus sign on the start button or the plus sign on the Canvas controls to add a new group.

  2. You’ll be prompted to select a space where you’d like to place the group. Click anywhere you think will be convenient for you for easy navigation (preferably next to the start button for easy linking).

  3. Once you’ve clicked a position on the Canvas, you'll see a blue box (which is a group) placed in the chosen space. The group’s information box will automatically open, prompting you to name the group and specify its points.

  4. Name the group and specify how many points it will contribute to the overall Scorecard points.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to create the rest of the groups in the canvas.

💡Tool Tip: Did you know that you can easily move groups around the canvas to make things more convenient for you? Simply click and drag the group to the desired location. And if you need to adjust the size of the group, you can do so using the resize controls located at the bottom of the group box.

4. Creating Nodes

In each section of a Scorecard document, you find different types of phrases. These can either be questions or statements. The same applies to Voyc. Within each group, there are nodes that represent the different types of phrases. These nodes are:

  • Statement Node: This node represents a statement made by an agent, such as "Our plans have several benefits."

  • Question Node: This node represents a question that will be asked by an agent, such as "Would you like to continue with the plan?"

  • Option Node: This node represents one of the answers to a question that has multiple possible answers called "options," such as "Yes" or "No."

Knowing which types of nodes to use will help you select the right node within a group. To create nodes in each group, follow these steps:

  1. Click the plus sign next to the group name to see the different types of nodes.

  2. Select the node you want to use, for example, a statement.

  3. The node's information box will open, prompting you to enter the phrase in the provided field.

  4. Now add the keywords supporting the phrase. These are all the possible keywords that agents use while stating the phrase. When finished, click save. This will activate the rating field.

  5. Rate the phrase according to its level of importance, such as Low, Medium, High, or Critical.

  6. You have the option to specify that the system must automatically fail the conversation if this phrase is not found. To do this, toggle the auto-fail switch.

  7. If the auto-fail switch is activated, an option to indicate whether the system should deduct a percentage score (negative score) from the agent's overall score if this phrase is not found become available. Enter the value in the negative score field.

  8. Once you’ve completed all the relevant fields, the system will automatically save the changes and you will now visibly see the node within the group.

  9. To add the next node (which represents the next phase of the conversation), click the plus sign at the end of the previous node and select the node you’d like to create.

📍Take Note: Voyc does not process input values that are less than zero. Only enter positive values in the negative score field. For instance, if you enter 40. As a result, Voyc will deduct 40% from the agent's overall score.

5. Creating Branches in a Scorecard

It is not uncommon for customers to be presented with multiple options to choose from during agent conversations when making purchasing decisions. For example, suppose an agent asks, "We have given you information about the various hospital plans that we offer, Option A, Option B, and Option C. Which plan do you want to go with?”.

To represent these options on the Canvas, follow these steps:

1. Click the plus sign on the question node to view the various types of nodes, and select “option”.

2. An information box for the option will automatically appear. Enter the phrase for the first possible answer (in this case, "Option A") and click the save button.

3. To add another option, return to the same question node and click the plus sign again, then select "option".

4. Enter the phrase for the second possible answer (in this case, "Option B").

Repeat the process if you have more possible answers to the question.

📍Take Note: Creating "options" represents the different possible paths a conversation can take, and each option leads to a different set of points. Therefore, it's possible that the overall points earned by one agent may differ from those earned by another agent, depending on the path they take.

After you've created all of the nodes, you must connect them to represent the flow of the conversation. The following section goes over the process of connecting nodes within and across groups.

6. Linking Nodes

When we connect nodes, we demonstrate the flow of a conversation. We use connection lines in the same way that a regular flow diagram would. Follow these steps to connect nodes:

1. Move your cursor to the line just before the plus sign at the end of the first node. Wait for
   the cursor symbol to change to a “plus” to indicate that a connection can be made.

2. Drag the line to the entrance of the node that you want to connect to, and wait for the
    cursor symbol to change to a plus sign. This indicates that the nodes can be connected.
   If you can see a connection line between the two nodes, it means that the connection
   was successful.

3. Repeat the process for all nodes.

4. Ensure all nodes at the end of each journey or route are connected to the last node,
    usually the “Call Closure” or “Goodbye.”

5. Ensure that any “No” options are connected to the last node of the scorecard to end the

6. Check that the “start” button is connected to the first node of the scorecard.

💡Tool Tip: If you are struggling to connect nodes manually, you can also click the first node and on its information box head to the section named “Target”. This is where you indicate which node you’d like to connect to. Click on the target field and all the nodes that you’ve created will appear. Then select the node you’d like to connect to and voila your nodes are now connected.

7. Validating, Publishing, and Activating a Scorecard

We are almost ready to publish and activate our scorecard, but before we do that, there is one last step: Scorecard Validation. This is where we check if the Scorecard meets all the requirements for assessing conversations. Before validating a Scorecard, we must ensure that the following tasks are complete:

1. All nodes have keywords or alternative phrases.

2. All nodes have been linked.

If these tasks are incomplete, Voyc will generate a warning or an error message to let us know that something is wrong. Once we’re satisfied, we can follow these steps to start the process of activating our Scorecard:

1. Click the validate button.

2. If everything is okay, i.e., nodes did not turn yellow or red, it means the Scorecard has passed validation and is ready to be published.

3. Click the publish button, which will now change to an activate button.

4. Click the activate button to activate the Scorecard.

📍Take Note: If you click on the "validate" button and the nodes turn yellow, you need to add keywords. If the nodes turn red, it means that some nodes are not linked.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I delete a Scorecard?

Open the Scorecard and click the delete button. The Scorecard will be deleted from the channel.

Can I duplicate a Scorecard?

Yes, click Manage Channel and hover over the Scorecard that you want to copy. You’ll see a copy icon on the edge of the right-hand side, click the icon and your Scorecard will automatically be copied. You’ll see a duplicate of the Scorecard below your initial Scorecard.

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